Jun 26, 2009

shoot a t-shirt up here rusty

This week Nate and I were invited to join some of the good folks from AG|CM for a night of baseball over at Whataburger Field...up in one of the suites. We love the suites. It's definitely the best way to watch a baseball game. Especially when it's hot outside and there are hot dogs waiting for me in the air conditioning. :) So thank you to Ken and the crew for a fantastic evening! 

A beautiful night for a game.

Nate watching the game.

Best seats in the house. :)

Mmmm nothing like a hot dog at a baseball game.

Whataburger Field

Bean being ridiculously cute. Had to grab the phone to snap this one.


Unknown said...

Bean's doing the thing we were talking about, right? So cute!

Mrs. Rippke said...

haha, yep. and she totally put herself that way. so ridiculous...and cute! :)