Mar 1, 2008

it's going to take more than a shop vac for this one

Just wanted to let everyone know about the latest happenings at The Ritz Theatre and the cleanup that happened today. Here's the link for the news story. Check out the pictures. :) Unfortunately with Nate being sick and me starting to get sick we weren't really feeling well enough to tear up 20 year abandoned carpet and such. But, as I said in my previous post about the Ritz, it's a huge project, so I'm sure there will be a lot more chances for us to help out. We did stop by after lunch though and it looks SO much better. I can't believe how much they got done. All of the garbage, and glass, and wood, and EVERYTHING is out of the lobby and the backstage area.  Monica said the only problem they had run into was that the 40 foot dumpster was totally full.  They worked so hard on it. 

Also, McLeod created a mural that is being painted on the front of it until something more permanent can be done. Monica designed almost all of it and it looks awesome.

A picture of what the mural will look like when its finished.

Me putting up some of the vinyl to trace for the mural.  Photo from the Caller Times. Photographer Michael Zamora.

Monica and Me putting up the vinyl for the the mural. Photo from the Caller Times. Photographer Michael Zamora.

Yeah for cleaning the Ritz! The guy with the thumbs up is Ryan, Monica's husband.

Some ladies from the Junior League painting the mural.

The front of the Ritz.

Some of the PATCH members at the cleanup. 

Monica and Evonne putting more stencil up.

Everyone making sure the stencil is strait.

Nate...not feeling so great.

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