Jun 26, 2009

shoot a t-shirt up here rusty

This week Nate and I were invited to join some of the good folks from AG|CM for a night of baseball over at Whataburger Field...up in one of the suites. We love the suites. It's definitely the best way to watch a baseball game. Especially when it's hot outside and there are hot dogs waiting for me in the air conditioning. :) So thank you to Ken and the crew for a fantastic evening! 

A beautiful night for a game.

Nate watching the game.

Best seats in the house. :)

Mmmm nothing like a hot dog at a baseball game.

Whataburger Field

Bean being ridiculously cute. Had to grab the phone to snap this one.

Jun 21, 2009

everybody's working for the weekend

Nate and I are having a string of fabulous weekends. Mostly in part to our fabulous friends Karina and Chase...and their awesome families. :) LC Rocks (probably the best 80's cover band ever) was in Corpus this weekend. We spent Friday night out with the Paris family living it up and dancing til our feet were sore...or in Karina's case bleeding and broken. Oops.

Saturday we spent another perfect day at Chase's dad's house lounging around the pool with more coronas, queso (I may have an addiction), and the BEST low cal margaritas ever. I need to get the recipe from Karina and post it up here for y'all to try. Seriously yummy. Thanks to Chase and Captain Ed (Karina's dad) we enjoyed a fried feast of red fish and chicken, and I got a lesson on frying stuff in your backyard. Yes, the chicken was for us Iowan non seafood eaters (thanks for thinking of us guys!). Although, I think Nate is developing a taste for red fish. He even ate the throat. The throat! Pretty impressed by his bravery.

Also, Happy father's day to my pops! Love you and see you in about a week! :)

The four of us at Aria. 

Chase, Karina, and Karina's lovely parents - Ed and Barbara. Happy 25th anniversary Ed and Barbara! See you in the valley soon!!

Chase and Karina. :)

Some excellent 80's hair and wardrobe. 

Karina dancing it up on stage. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ^ here. :)

Coy lounging in the pool.

Nate and me. Hutch snuck in the shot too.

Captain Ed and his fishing rod lighter.

Getting the oil going.


mmm hushpuppies. 

and some french fries. mmm.

Karina and Juliana.

The girls.

Probably my favorite. Ha.

Jun 19, 2009

if we'd gotten married in the 70's

Happy Anniversary to us! Woo hoo! Three years of what have actually been almost 100% wedded bliss. :) We've been very blessed.

We hadn't really had great "couple" pictures taken since our wedding, so we decided that to celebrate this year we wanted to do some sort of awesome editorial type shoot. Luckily for us we know THE BEST photographer...and she lives in our building...and she also happens to be an excellent friend.  Her name is Nicki Bursae and incase you missed it a second ago, she is THE BEST! We couldn't be happier with the pictures. 

Check out her work here. And hire her if you're in the Corpus Christi or South Texas area.Or anywhere actually...she travels. :) Doooo it. She also took these pictures of our little family last year. 

LOVE. :)

Our favorite. Look how cute Nate is! Totally married a stud.

hehe. :)

Check it out. I have legs in this shot.  You'd never know I'm 5' 2'' :)

It's a fact. Everyone looks cool in Elvis sunglasses.

Isn't she fabulous! SO glad to have these photos!

Jun 9, 2009

give me a floatie and a lime and i'm good to go

June 9th already!? Actually it may be the 10th now...

This is the first time that I actually have memory of blogging about this date exactly a year ago...it's my Papa's birthday! Yay! Happy Birthday! Miss you and love you! Geesh, our time in Corpus is flying by. We just signed another year long lease today...

I guess that puts us here on this date next year too.

The beginning of June has been exciting around the studio. The latest issue of The One is out...and it's full of color! It's such a fun project to work on, and we're really excited about the buzz it's been getting around town. Oh, and next week it's my two year anniversary at the studio! Woo! Yay for jobs at excellent design firms!

Our weeks have continued to be busy with work, social events, and spending some time relaxing with friends. We spent last weekend up in Austin with Rachel (having a total blast), and then this weekend a group of ladies from Brooke's church threw a baby shower for her and baby Annsley. Just one month until she's due! Yay! We can't wait to have a baby across the hall to go squeeze and kiss...and then leave with her mom and dad so we can go sleep ha. Kidding. We will gladly take baby sitting duty for them in those first few weeks so they can try to catch up on sleep every once in a while.

To celebrate our three year anniversary this year Nate and I decided to have some excellent photos taken (since we really haven't had any taken since the wedding). Luckily for us we know the best photographer in town! Our neighbor, Nicki Bursae, put together some awesome scenerios and we couldn't be more excited to see the final results! There's one sneak peek below... 

For the remainder of the weekend we spent time some together and took it pretty easy. Chase and Karina invited us over to Chase's dad's place for an afternoon of lounging in the pool with some coronas, burgers, and a giant bowl of queso. The weather was perfect, the company was great, and I didn't get sun burned! Yay!

Bean has some big o' ears.

The latest and greatest issue of The One! Our 1st anniversary issue!

One of my favorite spreads.

This is Frank. He is a retired cop, from Iowa City, that Nate met randomly in a park down town this morning. They got to talking (because Nate is excellent at making conversation with anyone) and he asked Nate to take his picture...

A sneak peek of the photos Nate and I had taken by the fabulously talented Nicki Bursae. We've only seen two of the pics, but they promise to be spectaclar! I married a total stud. Check out the Elvis sunglasses.

Me and Nate at Surf Club.

Our favorites...Karina, Chase, and a sunburny Terrell. :)

Chase and Karina :) Once again, I went out and forgot our lil point and shoot camera...so you get the phone.

My lovely Corpus BFF being all pretty as usual.

cute nate and pirate nate.

Brooke and her mom. 1 month til baby Annsley arrives!

Such a cute lil mommy-to-be. :)

Our drive up to Austin was lovely.

Me and Rachel enjoying a Lone Star...ah, Texas.

Nate and Rachel at Mean Eyed Cats...a Johnny Cash bar.


I have the best date around. :)

Back from Austin, out on the town in Corpus.