Mar 24, 2008

a rather large photo collection

My family came down for their spring break. We had a great time and took a ton of pictures. Here are a bunch of them from throughout the week. They aren't in chronological order because there are just way too many to take the time to re-organize. Hopefully they'll come back and visit again. We still need to take a real picture of all of us at the beach...that Nate isn't hilariously photoshoped into.

The closest to a whole family shot we could get. Nate had to work during the week while we sat at the beach.

Emily and Curtis in the Gulf.

Beach handstands!

Probably my favorite picture from the week. Gma Jones boozin' it up spring break style.

Dinner at Utopia. mmm.

Family YouTube time.

My Papa trying soy milk. I guess he didn't love it...

This is how my brother gets out of bed in the morning. Probably not good.

Everyone in their new clothes the parents bought us. :)

My Papa's first Whataburger. Gma J had it a few times last summer.

My brother managed to finish a double cheese Whataburger. Ugh.

D & D at the beach.

Spring break on Mustang Island!

The girls of the family. Grace, Mom, Gma, Emily, and Me.

My dad with a lot of root beer.

Grace and Nate looking at the Grey book Nate worked on.

My sister and I in our matching dresses. Just like when we were 4.

Curtis skim boarding or whatever it's called.

Getting back from the deep sea fishing trip. I did not go...I get sea sick.

Surfing a plaster wave.

We were too.

In the back "yard" at the house my parents stayed at.

My brother's "chip dance"

Nate tries Tab for the first time.

Emily tries Tab for the first time too. Haha.

It's like a cheesey 80's magazine ad. Tab = instant fun.

I take my Tab everywhere I go.

Tab through the generations.

My favorite pic of my dad from the trip. "No bones Drapal"...he looks melted.

My mom laughing at something.

Maybe it was this face...

Or this one...


A strawberry banana. No kidding.

My dad and me.

My Papa, Andrew, and Dad at the Lexington.

Andrew with a huge gun.

Super funny picture of my dad from the Lex.

A priceless shot of Curtis and Emily. You should probably click on this to make it bigger so you can really get a good laugh going. :)

Reading about Corpus.

My mom making her famous rubens.

And they're finished....mmmmmm.

My brother getting super mad that "the bunny took the sugar out of his Trix" and made it whole grain.

Mar 16, 2008

estimated time of arrival...not anytime soon

For those of you who may not already know this, I hate flying...and everything surrounding it.  I'm sure my family is hating it today too.  They are flying down to visit Nate and I for spring break...but currently I am waiting to hear from them because they are stuck in Denver instead of landing in San Antonio like they are supposed to be.  I'm sure it is going to be a huge pain for them, and the airlines will probably offer little or no help.  Guess we'll just have to wait and see.  Hopefully they will get here today.  Even if it's 3 in the morning by the time they actually arrive in Corpus.  I'm fairly convinced that unless you are going over seas, or from NY to LA, you should just drive because the airlines are going to find a way to make it take just as long for you to fly wherever you are going.

On a less annoying note, Nate painted the bedroom yesterday. We've decided to stay in our apt for at least the next year, so it makes it worth it to paint everything.  I really love the color.  It's nice and relaxing.  

The paint went on a dark purplish/grey color...but dried a lovely shade of warm grey. :)

Izzy and Bean sleeping by the wet paint. 

Izzy thinking she might want to get down and get into the paint.

This one cracks me up.

Lazy bums. All of 'em.

Mar 3, 2008

paintin' the nursery

Ok, so it's actually the kitchen.  But don't tell the dogs that.  To them it's their bedroom, and they own it...and they pretty much do.  We also got a new camera lens today and have started taking some pictures to practice using it. Enjoy!

My pretty pup. Trying to use the new lens.

My other pretty puppy girl.

Nate painting the kitchen.

Almost done.

Touching it up while the dogs run around like crazies.

A job well done Nate!

Bean likes the new color of her room.

Don't let her face fool you...she loves these kisses.

Izzy also likes the new blue wall in her bedroom.

Our new lens.

Puppy kisses for dad...on the lips.

A silly picture using the new lens.